Scan above QR code for donating us. |
PhonePe UPI - Q477638628@ybl
PhonePe Link -
Holder Name: Gitesh Kumar Sharma
Bank Name: India Post Payment BankUPI ID: gitesh@postbank
Account No: 010010311252
IFSC: IPOS0000001
Branch: Siwan
Note: Your donation is most valuable for us, we utilize this money for development of our village, festivals or events. Make sure that you share your receipt with us via email, so that we can mention it on our social media handles or blog.
Note: Your donation is most valuable for us, we utilize this money for development of our village, festivals or events. Make sure that you share your receipt with us via email, so that we can mention it on our social media handles or blog.
Receipt Sharing Guideline:
First of all, thank you for donation. Share your receipt screenshot through email( following steps.
Step 1: Subject line: Donation for Merahi: Your Name
Step 2: Message: I donate for Merahi.
Name: ......
Address: ......
Mobile: .......
Word for us: .......
Attachment: Your receipt.
Thank you for donating,
Team Merahi.
At least buy a coffee for us.
You can support by buying a coffee ☕️ here —
Read on Facebook @MerahiVillage